Why Detox?
Toxins are anything that is harmful to the body. There are many different kinds of toxin: contaminates in our water, our food, in the air, in the environment. Toxins are mainly ingested but can actually be created by the human body itself. Stress and emotional issues can also create a toxic environment in the body as we rush to do more, be more, see more. For many, simply modern day living can dictate a neglect of one’s general health. Highly processed foods with excessive amounts of salt, sugar and trans fats are the new normal. Long hours sitting at desk jobs contributes to a sedentary lifestyle where the body does not get the regular daily movement for which it was designed. Over consumption of alcohol, coffee and the intake of any type of drug, only adds to the strain on the body.
For a time, many of us are able to stave off the inevitable consequences of such a lifestyle but, for most, eventually we end up feeling unhealthy, depressed, overweight and stressed. Our bodies naturally detox on a regular basis through excretion, urination and sweat. Detoxification actually means to remove or decrease the toxic waste in the body. Numerous factors can hamper the body’s natural detoxification process and create imbalance. When the body is overloaded with toxins it can impact our overall health and create dis-ease. Health Republic’s detoxification programmes are an aide to the body’s natural processes through fasting, herbal supplements and colon cleansing. Professionally designed detox programmes have been shown scientifically to help greatly with a multitude of both physical and emotional ailments. The ability of the human body to restore and heal itself is truly astounding. Given the right conditions, amazing transformations can happen in a short period of time and allow one to start creating new habits and ultimately a new lifestyle.
When Should I Detox?
It is a good idea to detox if you have been leading an unhealthy lifestyle, have been eating a poor diet or if you have been through a stressful situation. You may be feeling lethargic or congested or actually be dealing with some kind of disease or ill health. Please ensure you contact a health practitioner before starting your detox.
Detoxing can help you to lose weight, feel clearer, lighter and generally have a greater sense of wellbeing and energy. Once you have detoxed there are many ways in which you can maintain a healthy lifestyle and sense of well-being.
Pre and Post Detox Information
Pre Detoxing
When doing either of the longer detox programmes, it is highly recommended to do some form of pre-cleansing. This entails cutting out processed and fried foods, red meat, alcohol, coffee, refined carbs and sugars and sticking to a mainly fruit and/or vegetable diet for 2-3 days or up to a week before starting.
Breaking Your Fast
Breaking your fast correctly is important and here at Health Republic we have a specific procedure to help you do so.
At the end of your detox, one of our staff will take you through that procedure which involves a final colon cleansing, probiotic drinks and a probiotic implant. These help to put the ‘good’ bacteria back into your system and support your immune system as you get back to eating.
On the longer 7 and 5 day detox programmes, breaking your fast correctly is important and here at Health Republic we have a specific procedure to help you do so.
At the end of your detox, you will be given 2 probiotic drinks and an implant. These help to put the good bacteria back into your system and support your immune system as you get back to eating.
On the night before the last day of your detox programme, you will be given a probiotic drink to take. This is instead of the probiotic pill that you take every evening and should be taken before you go to bed that night. (You can save the pill you have for that day until the following evening).
On your last day (day 5 or day 7) you do your last colema, it is just warm water. You no longer need to have the stimulating effects of the coffee. You can have this colema any time you like in the morning of that last day however, the earlier you do the colema, the earlier you can start eating.
After doing the colema, the staff at the detox counter will give you your second probiotic drink to drink. They will also give you a probiotic implant which is a syringe filled with probiotic fluid. Drink the drink immediately and then wait at least one hour before you administer the implant.
When you are ready to do the implant, you simply connect your colema tip to the syringe. Then lie down (you can either use a colema room or do this on your bed), insert the colema tip as normal into your rectum and plunge the syringe. This will send the probiotic fluid up into your intestine. Hold the fluid in for as long as possible, usually there is no problem doing this for the whole day.
This process provides you with probiotics into your digestive system from the top and also from the bottom!
Congratulations, you have now completed your detox and are able to have one of the dishes on our menu. One of our staff can suggest what might be best if you would like advice but either a salad or a soup or even a fruit plate if you so wish. Please be aware that if you have any issues with sugar, then fruit can heighten your desire for sweet things after the detox.
Post Detox Tips and Suggestions
It’s time to introduce new, healthy habits, not just to your diet but in your lifestyle as a whole.
Here are 21 TIPS that will help you as you transition back to a healthier state.
Try to spend more time outside, sweat, do something good for your body every day. One of the most important things you can do is move.
Be aware of what you put into your body! Wait until you feel hungry and feel the difference between hunger, craving and curiosity.
Eat small amounts, chew well and eat slowly…food really is even more wonderful when it is savoured.
Stay hydrated – drink plenty of water, herbal tea is also great.
Instead of a dish you can have a fresh, green veggie juice or coconut water. Chew your juice also!
The first two days after fasting are very simple. Try to eat raw or steamed vegetables. Add flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, olive oil, flaxseed oil, coconut oil or try a little balsamic vinegar, apple or coconut cider vinegar with them.
Be aware of blood sugar level spikes and avoid getting ‘hangry’. Make sure you don’t end up feeling overly deprived. Look for healthy snacks like nuts to help you through the day. If you would like to eat something sweet, choose low-sugar, fresh fruits.
From the 3rd day you can introduce steamed or cooked complex carbs – quinoa, amaranth, riceberry, wild rice, millet, oats. You can also add in some steamed fish or eggs.
From the 5th day you can add more protein to your diet. Why not try to Introduce the foods one by one – it is much easier to control. See how your body reacts – if you are bloated, if you have cramps wait a few days before trying the same food again.
Try legumes or beans if this is what suits you, if not you can go with more complex protein like chicken.
Put almonds, walnuts, pistachios and macadamia nuts on your salad.
Find a good natural probiotic, unsweetened yoghurt.
If cheese is something that you can’t give up then now you can re-introduce that but try not to eat too much and stick to cheeses like cottage cheese, feta cheese, or a good hard sheep or goat’s cheese.
From the 7th day you can try foods that are harder to digest like red meat if you eat that – but try adding only one new food per day if possible.
In general, whatever your diet, full carnivore, raw vegan or anything in between, two key words are quality and quantity. Try to find the best natural ingredients possible and try to reduce your portion sizes.
Try to avoid sweet flavours and cut out processed and artificial foods.
Set up some kind of exercise routine…make sure it fits in with your life and make it achievable. It is better to do less but do it, than to set a goal you cannot achieve.
Mix up your exercise if possible. If you are into cardio, why not try yoga or visa versa?
One thing people forget is how important oral health is. Make sure you clean your teeth properly, get food out of difficult areas, see a hygienist regularly. This will also enhance your overall health and wellbeing.
Look at the other areas of your life. Try to reduce toxins wherever possible. Can you stop using shop bought toxic cleaning products? Can you make your own or at least find ones that are less toxic? What about soaps, deodorant and make up? Try and find more natural brands or even make your own of these too. There is so much you can do and the internet has a myriad of ideas and helpful suggestions. Do you own research, talk to people you know and find out if they are doing things you could implement. Make it fun.
Eat healthily, move more and head towards a more natural lifestyle. Doing a regular detox is also a good thing to add into your plans
Detox Drinks
These are made with psyllium husk, bentonite clay, water and a little fruit juice of your choice.
Psyllium Husk
This natural fibrous substance effectively removes residues of debris that has built up in the colon. Psyllium bulks when exposed to water so there is a large increase in the volume which stimulates movement of material through the intestine. It allows your colon to cleanse itself more easily by enhancing and promoting bowel activity.
Bentonite Clay
This volcanic ash naturally binds to and eliminates toxins yet does not get absorbed itself. When taken internally it passes through the colon collecting and absorbing non-nutritive and harmful substances which are then eliminated as it is eliminated.